5 Money Books We’re Reading This Autumn

Money Books Autumn

Make the most of those long nights...


From Warren Buffett to Elon Musk, the most successful people on this planet are bookworms. Autumn is here, you won’t see the sun by 5pm, and you’ll be spending more time inside. So why not  take some time for yourself and improve your financial skills while enjoying some well written prose? We gave you a reading list for the summer, now here are our new favorites,  to save you the misery of typing “money books” on Amazon, and finding twenty thousand bad, really bad and occasionally great titles to sift through. And you what are you reading? Anything to recommend?


  • The Automatic Millionaire: A Powerful One-Step Plan to Live and Finish Rich by David Bach. This is a short, simple book with very practical tips - despite its very catchy title. You may have heard of the “latte factor”: cut $10 a day from your spending and save them in an account for retirement. Start investing early and you can make it to millionairedom thanks to the power of compounding interest. Basic, but it works.


  • The 4-Hour Work Week: Escape the 9-5, Live Anywhere and Join the New Rich by Timothy Ferriss. Also author of the most recent Tools of Titans, Tim Ferriss is a successful writer and we liked this book because it is a sort of manifesto for a better work/life balance, with some really good tips and ideas. Inspiring, but we still haven't managed to reduce our work week to 4 hours!


  • Prince Charming Isn't Coming: How Women Get Smart about Money by Barbara Stanny. This is a guide full of practical advice used by financially successful women. Waiting for a prince to rescue us financially (or in any way) does not sound like a good plan to us. More for beginners to help understand the importance of managing one own’s money.


  • The Essays of Warren Buffett: Lessons for Corporate America by Warren Buffett. This is the latest wisdom from the great investor Warren Buffett's annual letters to Berkshire Hathaway shareholders. You can also get a free preview of the letters here. From co-author Lawrence A. Cunningham: “Experienced readers of Warren Buffett's letters to the shareholders of Berkshire Hathaway Inc. have gained an enormously valuable informal education. The letters distill in plain words all the basic principles of sound business practices. On selecting managers and investments, valuing businesses, and using financial information profitably, the writings are broad in scope, and long on wisdom.” A must-read for everyone.


  • The Financial Wellbeing Book: Creating Financial Peace of Mind by Chris Budd. We love this concise book for its very clear steps on how to make your own financial plan. Full of practical tips. According to Budd: “Most books about finance are aimed at making you wealthier. This book is concerned with making you happier.”

