Vestpod - Women & Money

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What On Earth Are We Doing With Our Money?

Welcome to our new money section! You may already know Refinery29’s Money Diaries… this is our own version of it! We’ve put together a few questions to understand what women are doing with their money. Let’s break the taboo and talk more about finances!

It’s short, snappy, fun and anonymous.

Trainee Investment Manager. 28 years old. Living with partner. Essex

Financial goals:

Short term (1-5 years): A future wedding

Medium term (5-10 years): To prepare for any future children

Long term (10 years +): To be able to retire at 60 or earlier

Best buy ever: Owning half on my parents house. My mortgage is £40,000 but the return is more than double

Worst buy ever: My Audi. I always wanted one but costs £357pm

Things you spend the most money on: Shopping and food!

Salary / Income: £33,500

Net worth (what you own vs what you owe, or your assets minus your debts): £100,000

Any side hustles: n/a

Savings: I have a Lifetime ISA, stocks and shares ISA and cash. I try to save £200 pm

Home: Yes half my parents house

Debt: Student loan £12,500 remaining mortgage £26,000 and car debt about £20,000

Investing: I have a work place pension and regular saving in a lifetime ISA and direct equities in a stocks and shares Isa. I am also part of the employee share scheme

Pension: Yes l salary sacrifice 6% with contributions matched by employer

Insurances: No

What is money for you? Independence

What is financial independence for you? Living my life the way I want to live it with no worries

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