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Declutter Your Wardrobe In 5 Steps

Give away these spooky costumes. Give your wardrobe a face lift.

It’s the perfect time of year for a clear-out. We bet your wardrobe is  feeling the squeeze with all those impulse summer holiday buys fighting for space with the new season’s big coats and chunky knits. And what else are you going to do with those long winter evenings (apart for shopping online for yet more clothes)? Follow our tips for curating your cupboards and getting dressed will be so much simpler. You might even make a little money!

1. Re-organize your clothes

Try grouping your garments by colour, or even collected into complete, ready-to-go outfits. You will discover new combinations, and have a clearer view of just how much boring grey you have, and how few pops of pink!

2. Keep the classic pieces, sell the trendy ones

Someone out there is probably browsing Vestiaire Collective right now, desperate to buy a fluro, mohair cropped jumper with smiley face appliques on the shoulders. You bought that item in a moment of madness or for a specific event, but you know you’re never going to wear it again. So snap it, sell it and send it off, freeing up space for those items that never go out of fashion, like a great camel coat or a beautifully tailored white shirt.

3. How many coats do you really need?

Clue: fewer than you think. One really tough guy for winter weather, a dressy one for evenings out, and a transitional staple like a lovely soft leather jacket for in-between days.

4. Didn’t wear this piece for 1 year, give it away

As with your finances, it pays to face facts. What can you really manage without and what do you really need? If a garment is gathering dust in the back of your wardrobe, it’s got to go. You won’t miss it.

5. Resale

There are multiple ways to capitalise on pre-loved clothes, from big, practical websites like Ebay to fun fashion meccas like Vestiaire Collective. Check out your local freecycle group too if you want your items to go to a good home in your community. Any big town with enough well-dressed women will have a second hand designer shop too (all the ladies of North London love rummaging in the one on Hampstead High Street). And selling your children’s clothes can pay mini-dividends too, with easy-to-use websites like Loopster which will actually collect the clothes from your home and sell them for you.

So give your wardrobe a facelift this weekend!


Photo by Hannah Morgan on Unsplash.