MoneyTalk With Kim Sprague Balanced Life & Business Coach

Money Talk Vestpod Kim Sprague

In this Interview series, we want to feature amazing and inspiring women who are willing to talk about money. Our goal is to break the taboo around money, share experiences and learn from the community. Please see examples here.

Hello Kim! We are happy to have you on board with Vestpod. After seeing your post about ‘Why Founder Wellbeing is the New Metric for Startup Success’ and your company Flamingo Life, we just had to reach out to you. 

Could you please tell us a little bit about yourself. 

Thank you for asking me!  I’m a certified Coach helping busy working women to create more balance so that they thrive as entrepreneurs, leaders, mothers and partners.

I left an 11 year career as head of communications & PR, after training to become a Yoga Teacher in 2016 and then as a Coach. I've balanced a side hustle and busy job, quit my job without one to go to and have consciously created a balanced life as a Coach, founder of Flamingo Life, mum and wife.

Today I work with female founders, leaders and aspiring entrepreneurs, as well as organisations including Coca Cola European Partners, Alex & and Three Mobile on initiatives supporting staff wellbeing and performance.

What inspired you to launch Flamingo Life?

Something ignited in me 3 years ago, when I went on my first yoga retreat.  Since then I've been on an incredible, and at times challenging, journey. I've had to regularly review my priorities, get out of my comfort zone and create the life and business I want.  

Flamingos can balance on one leg in their sleep. They spend up to a third of their day on self-care and literally reflect their nourishment in their physical appearance (they're born with white not pink feathers).  How much better would our society be if more women lived a flamingo life?

What are you passionate about?

Women creating their own version of balanced living.   We have so many roles to play in modern society, it needs to be a holistic life balance not this ‘work-life’ balance myth that sets us up to fail.

 I love the Jana Kingsford quote: “balance isn’t something you have, it's something you create.”  I almost see a penny drop when my clients truly understand this and feel empowered. From there I support them to transition careers, launch new business ideas, create more income and have more free time with their loved ones.  Money is often a big topic actually!

What was the biggest lesson you learnt in your career?

The sky won’t fall in if you leave a job without one to go to.  It’s not for everyone but my personal and professional growth has been exponential since I took that brave leap in 2016. 

What’s your relationship like with money and personal finance? 

I’ve always been responsible with money - saving, working since I was 15, finding good deals but allowing conscious indulgences too.  The shift from employee to entrepreneur made me evaluate my money mindset and do a lot of work on my belief systems to help me reach my true financial potential on my own terms,

What does financial independence mean to you?

Knowing and trusting my family and I will always be more than provided for to live our dreams together.

What’s the one thing you indulge in? 

I’m a self care and self help junkie! I always go on at least one luxury retreat a year.

What is the best financial decision you have ever made? And what is the greatest long term investment? 

It might sound like a cliche but it’s true to my own experience...the greatest investment you can make is in yourself.  Because what’s more important than maximising your experience in this life?

For me that’s been regular self-care, spa days, coaching... and this year I went to the Tony Robbins’ Unleash the Power Within conference which was incredible.  It inspired me to go from having an idea to launching an entire season of my Her Balanced Business podcast in just 90 days.

Have you ever experienced a financial epiphany? A sort of wake-up call, where you suddenly think - “I must start doing things differently”? 

Related to the last point, on my entrepreneurial journey I’ve had to spend sometimes before I’ve felt ready.  I was seeing great opportunities but afraid to use savings I’d worked hard for to unlock them.

I realised that I’m in my mid 30s, am a mum and a business owner...that’s already a lot of life to have lived waiting for a ‘rainy day’. 

What is Vestpod for you?

A much needed space and community for women to take control of their financial independence without overwhelm.

Own up. Have you made any major financial faux-pas? 

Hmmm...we’ve been casualties of the London housing market and were unable to sell our flat in 2016.  But I don’t see this as a faux-pas though as we’ve got lovely tenants and been able to rent an amazing place to raise our daughter until the time is right to sell it.

What do you wish you had done earlier in terms of financial planning? 

I can’t think of anything.  My Dad used to work in the City and my mum had a strong work ethic and entrepreneurial spirit, which I’m grateful for.

Favourite book & podcast?

Book: always hard to choose after 5 years working at Penguin Random House! I loved Maggie O’Farrell’s I Am, I Am, I Am but Rebecca Campbell’s Light Is the New Black is one that had a hugely positive impact on my life.

Podcast: can I cheat and say my own? I’ve loved making the Her Balanced Business podcast!

Where can we find you?

Flamingo Life

Instagram | Facebook

Thanks a lot!

-- Emilie & Christina